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Rock Hills USD 107


Jewell County Spelling Bee

The Jewell County Spelling Bee was held on  January 29, 2025, at Rock Hills Junior/Senior High School. The Champion was Gracelynn Scarrow and the Runner-up was Cole Fulz. . . .

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Would you like to nominate a district employee for their extraordinary work?  Hard Hat Hero nominations are now open to the community. Please use the link if you would like to nominate a USD 107 Employee. https://forms.gle/ . . .

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FFA Member of the Month for March

Wyatt Breuer is the Rock Hills FFA member of the month for March.  Way to go Wyatt!

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RHHS Student of the Month for March

Danica Frost is the RHHS Student of the Month for March.  Congratulations Danica!

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FFA Pancake Feed and Labor Auction

ROCK HILLS FFA LABOR AUCTION & PANCAKE FEED Monday February 20th 2023 6pm @ Mankato Community Center

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Real Men Sing

Chace Fogo, Sam Felio and Morgan McMains attended the "Real Men Sing" workshop at Bethany College on January 26. They practiced all morning and for 2 hours in the afternoon and then performed a concert for anyone attending and those . . .

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A Call for Bus Drivers

Rock Hills Schools USD 107 is in need of school bus drivers!  Please watch this short video message from Superintendent Rex Boley and contact Janet Higer at the district office (785-378-3102) for more information.

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Mrs. Bozarth reads to the grizzlies!

Mrs. Bozarth would like to read stories to the students each week of July until we go back to school.  

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Kindergarten Graduation

Our Kindergarten class participated in their graduation today.  Mrs. Bozarth told them it was a big move going from letters to numbers for their grade.  Families came and watched and joined in the celebration.  . . .

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Our Cooks are Better Than Yours!

Here at Rock Hills Elementary School everyone is in the relationship building game.  Our Cooks, Joni and Francine started an amazing program that is lasting the next 2 weeks.  They post a joke of the day.  The kids all get a . . .

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TuTus and Ties

The Elementary school celebrate Twos Day by wearing TuTus and Ties to school.  

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5th grade band creating variations.

The 5th grade band did some composing in class. They took a song from their book and wrote a variation using different rhythms to create new songs. Jacob Harkness used Garage band software to create a rhythm accompaniment to his song. 

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Global Play Day

The elementary students participated in Global Play Day today 2-2-22.  Each classroom had board games, legos, toys, logic games, coloring books, and more.  It was a great day of playing with our friends.  

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5th grade band visitor

Tuesday, January 11, Rock Hills Alumni Sam Underwood came to speak to his sister's 5th grade band class. He shared pictures and stories of his experience as a member of the K-State marching band and of his recent trip with the band to . . .

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The Cosmosphere presentation

The Cosmosphere came to the Elementary School to do a presentation on Lunar Landers. The students were able to build their own, and test them out to see if all of their astronauts could land safely. 

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Mrs. Cates' 1st Grade Science Activity

1st Graders had a lot of fun learning about magnification during their Bingo game! 

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Rock Hills Schools Health & Safety Updates 8/25/21

Watch this video from Superintendent Rex Boley to learn about important health and safety updates for the Rock Hills school district.

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Boy Scouts give Back to Elementary School

The playground at the elementary school was in need of filling low spots.  Ms. Owen contacted Pamela Wirth and she was able to gather some fine Boy Scouts to help the school out.  Layn badger, Ethan Wirth, Colin Wirth, Jace Badger, . . .

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RHES Back to School Night

Please join us for the playgroud dance party.  

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New Principal at Rock Hills Elementary

New to our community is Cassi Owen.  She will be the new Principal at Rock Hills Elementary.  This is Cassi's 19th year in education.  She is really excited to be part of the Grizzly family.  If you have things to . . .

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Meet Ms. Brown 2nd Grade Teacher.

Ms. Brown joined the Grizzly Family in January.  She will be teaching 2nd grade this year.  

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Sunflower Summer program

Sunflower Summer program gives students chance to learn while visiting attractions

Families can download app to begin educational adventures across Kansas

TOPEKA — A new program will help children stay engaged in learning throughout the summer months while spending quality time with family members and friends touring some of Kansas’ greatest attractions – all for free. . . .

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Back to School 2021-2022

Back to School

Please watch the video message from Superintendent Boley to learn important back to school information.

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Teachers Go to Class Too!

Teachers Go to Class Too!

In June elementary teachers met together to collaborate for the betterment of our students.  The teachers worked on math and English so that they are ready for the start of the year.  

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