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Rock Hills USD 107


Global Play Day Celebrated at RHES

RHES students participated in Global Play Day on February 5.  Thanks to all the amazing parents that came in to play with us!

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Jewell County Spelling Bee

The Jewell County Spelling Bee was held on  January 29, 2025, at Rock Hills Junior/Senior High School. The Champion was Gracelynn Scarrow and the Runner-up was Cole Fulz. . . .

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Kansas Day Bread Baking

Second grade students celebrated Kansas day by making bread and butter! Thank you to Farm Bureau for sponsoring the event and offering volunteers to help with the process!!

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AR pizza winners

Each month the readers who turn in tickets for reading 10 books are put in a container and drawn randomly. We pick five kindergarten through second grade and 5/3 through fifth grade winners in September the winners were as follows: Jack . . .

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RHES Physical Education

2nd graders playing volleyball during PE class. 

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RHES Conservation Day

RHES students were able to participate in Jewell County conservation district conservation day. The students were able to walk into the Earth, play and a holographic sandbox, and discover creatures that live under the Earth in the trailer of . . .

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AR pizza winners. RHES

Each month the elementary picks 10 winners from the tickets turned in for reading 10 books. The winners for September were 

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3rd Grade Music

The 3rd grade students added an ostinato or a repeated rhythmic/melodic part to their song, Shake the Papaya down.

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VFW Coloring Contest Winners

The VFW Coloring Contest- Illustrating America. K-2 Winners 3rd Place- Nick Colson 2nd Place- Parker Badger 1st Place- Grady Warne   3-5 Winners 3rd Place- Knox Eilert 2nd Place- Claire Walker . . .

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Grizzlies Helping Jewell County!

The Grizzlies from Rock Hills Elementary School took pride in the our community by bringing food to give to Helping Hands.  The students brought over 500 pieces of food to help people in our towns.  These pictures show how each . . .

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Veteran’s Day Program.

The RHS Elementary students showed up ready to show their pride to the Veterans of our community. The Grizzlies sang a song about each branch of the military. 

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Don’t Wait Plan Your Escape

The Mankato Fire Department came to teach the Grizzlies about fire prevention. This year's  theme was Don't Wait Plan Your Escape. The students were tasked with creating a fire plan together with their families. At the end of the . . .

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Fun with Forces in STEM!

While learning about the forces of push and pull this week in STEM, the fourth and fifth graders had so much fun creating standing structures with index cards. There first task was to make the index stand up on its own without bending or . . .

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Ms. Cason's class "Speaks" out!

This week, the Marvelous Community of Bears tackled one question: what does it mean to be a scientist or engineer? After much inquiry the class came up with three components that make up both of these professions:  . . .

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Helping Hand for our local Boy Scouts

The elementary school was lucky enough to have a helping hand from our local Boy Scouts.  The scouts came and helped rearrange the tire pieces on the playground to make it more safe for the students getting off the slides and . . .

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Game Wardens come together to teach the Grizzlies about being Lake Safe!

Jumpstart students traveled to Lovewell Lake last Friday to learn about Lake Safety.  The kids were lucky enough to have the Game Warden not only from Jewell County, but also Glen Elder, and Kanopolis as well.  The students learned . . .

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Elementary Welcome Back Letter

Welcome Back!!! We are all excited to begin another GREAT school year at Rock Hills Elementary School.  This year we will continue  to provide students with great educational . . .

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Beavers? We are the GRIZZLIES!

T Today the K-State Post Exchange came and turned our students into "beavers".  The students created a river with aluminum foil and sand.  The students were then given items like twigs, rocks, and play dough to . . .

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Team building is how to create relationships and team work.

Students in Ms. Morain and Ms. Warne's class playing a Silly Sport Game.  This game is a team building activity designed to create and strengthen relationships by having to work together.  Look at the smiles on the . . .

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K-State Research and Extension - Post Rock District Interns teaches at Jumpstart.

This year during Jumpstart the students get the pleasure of working with Interns on special projects each week on Tuesdays.  This week the students started with playing a fun game working on taking turns.  We then moved on to dying . . .

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Mrs. Bozarth Reads "The Way I Feel".

Week 2 of Principal reads to the Grizzlies.  

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Mrs. Bozarth reads to the grizzlies!

Mrs. Bozarth would like to read stories to the students each week of July until we go back to school.  

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Sunflower Summer

Kansas is having their Sunflower Summer series of field trips and free admission again this summer.  Sunflower Summer provides a wide variety of ways for families to get out, explore something new, and enjoy time together. . . .

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Field Day! Fun for All!!

The Elementary School had Field Day on Wednesday May 11.  Grades K-5 enjoyed a beautiful afternoon playing games.  We ended our day with a schoolwide water ballon fight.  

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Kindergarten Graduation

Our Kindergarten class participated in their graduation today.  Mrs. Bozarth told them it was a big move going from letters to numbers for their grade.  Families came and watched and joined in the celebration.  . . .

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Super Speller

3rd Grader Kinley Greene received an award today because she received 100% on every spelling test this year.  Way to be SUCCESSFUL!

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Testing Tunnel

The students in Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade started their FastBridge testing today.  The 3rd through 5th grade students created a tunnel that the younger students got to run through as the students were chanting "Do your . . .

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Courageous 5th graders present 3D Printer Projects at Board Meeting.

The 5th graders created 3D printed prototypes of items that will help people.  Many of them volunteered to present their prototype at the Board of Education meeting.  The presentations were great and the board seems to really . . .

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5th grade 3D Printing

The 5th graders have been busy! Each student was able to find a prototype of an object or create their own to print. They had to be able to justify how their object would be helpful and find some sources to prove it. Some chose desk . . .

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Our Cooks are Better Than Yours!

Here at Rock Hills Elementary School everyone is in the relationship building game.  Our Cooks, Joni and Francine started an amazing program that is lasting the next 2 weeks.  They post a joke of the day.  The kids all get a . . .

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Grizzly Glows!

This week the Grizzlies have been working hard the following students received 100% on various tests this week.  Their pictures are on the Grizzly Glow board.  Congratulations to West Bruns, Sophia Cleary, Colt Strnad, and Sawyer . . .

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TuTus and Ties

The Elementary school celebrate Twos Day by wearing TuTus and Ties to school.  

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Global Play Day

The elementary students participated in Global Play Day today 2-2-22.  Each classroom had board games, legos, toys, logic games, coloring books, and more.  It was a great day of playing with our friends.  

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5th Grade Dioramas

In October the 5th graders in Mrs. Hancock wrote folk tales.  After the students were finished they constructed dioramas that went along with the stories.  There were many creative creations.  

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The Cosmosphere presentation

The Cosmosphere came to the Elementary School to do a presentation on Lunar Landers. The students were able to build their own, and test them out to see if all of their astronauts could land safely. 

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1st Grade science experiment

Mrs Cates' class showed off their walking rainbow. There were 6 cups. 1 cup had yellow water then an empty cup next red, empty, blue, empty. They placed paper towels connecting each of the cups. Overnight the water traveled to . . .

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Teacher WooHoo Cart

The elementary teachers, paras, and staff were visited by the woohoo cart today by Ms Owen and Ms Morain.  The teachers got to pick from snacks and drinks. This is just a way of saying thanks for what each of them do each day, . . .

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Football Team Takes Time to Visit Elementary School

The grizzly football team with coach Havenstein and Coach Higer joined the elementary students during their morning meeting.  As the students were walking in they got to wish the team a good luck wish in their game tonight against . . .

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Grizzly Rockstars This Week

Look how many rock stars we had this week at the elementary school. Kids are showing us they are responsible, honorable, and successful.   

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Mrs. Cates' 1st Grade Science Activity

1st Graders had a lot of fun learning about magnification during their Bingo game! 

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Rock Hills Schools Health & Safety Updates 8/25/21

Watch this video from Superintendent Rex Boley to learn about important health and safety updates for the Rock Hills school district.

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Boy Scouts give Back to Elementary School

The playground at the elementary school was in need of filling low spots.  Ms. Owen contacted Pamela Wirth and she was able to gather some fine Boy Scouts to help the school out.  Layn badger, Ethan Wirth, Colin Wirth, Jace Badger, . . .

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RHES Back to School Night

Please join us for the playgroud dance party.  

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New Principal at Rock Hills Elementary

New to our community is Cassi Owen.  She will be the new Principal at Rock Hills Elementary.  This is Cassi's 19th year in education.  She is really excited to be part of the Grizzly family.  If you have things to . . .

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Are you Reading this Summer?

It is so important to read during the summer.  Check this graphic out for ideas of family reading time.  

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STEM brought to Jumpstart

Some students at Jumpstart created their own playground with different materials. They went through the design aspect of Engineering to create these awesome parts.   The kindergarten's read a book and then created their Monkey . . .

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Meet Ms. Brown 2nd Grade Teacher.

Ms. Brown joined the Grizzly Family in January.  She will be teaching 2nd grade this year.  

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Sunflower Summer program

Sunflower Summer program gives students chance to learn while visiting attractions

Families can download app to begin educational adventures across Kansas

TOPEKA — A new program will help children stay engaged in learning throughout the summer months while spending quality time with family members and friends touring some of Kansas’ greatest attractions – all for free. . . .

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Teachers Go to Class Too!

Teachers Go to Class Too!

In June elementary teachers met together to collaborate for the betterment of our students.  The teachers worked on math and English so that they are ready for the start of the year.  

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